Volunteer in Sylvan Lake, Alberta
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Information about volunteering and helping the 2 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Sylvan Lake, Alberta. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Sylvan Lake, other locations in Alberta, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Sylvan Lake Volunteer Centre
4926-50th Avenue, Sylvan Lake, Alberta
In Sylvan Lake, we recognize the essential contributions that our volunteers give to the community. The gift of the time that they donate is an integral part of Sylvan Lake. We appreciate all the volunteers that are willing to contribute to our community.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
Volunteer Profile of Sylvan Lake Volunteer Centre
Town of Sylvan Lake FCSS
4725 43rd Street, Sylvan Lake, Alberta
FCSS provides Information and Referral services to assist community individuals and agencies on anything from counseling service referrals to "do you know where I can.?" questions to services for any age group in the community of Sylvan Lake. Although counseling is not available through our local office, the Information & Referral Administrator can provide information and assistance on obtaining counseling. Confidentiality is protected.
Keywords: Seniors
· Family Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Town of Sylvan Lake FCSS
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Town of Sylvan Lake FCSSFCSS provides Information and Referral services to assist community individuals and agencies on anything from counseling service referrals to “do you know where I can…?” questions to services for any age group in the community of Sylvan Lake. Although counseling is not available through our local office, the Information & Referral Administrator can provide information and assistance on obtaining counseling. Confidentiality is protected.
Sylvan Lake Volunteer CentreIn Sylvan Lake, we recognize the essential contributions that our volunteers give to the community. The gift of the time that they donate is an integral part of Sylvan Lake. We appreciate all the volunteers that are willing to contribute to our community.
Volunteer in Sylvan Lake by Category
Children and Youth
Family Services
Volunteer Centres