Canada Ethics University ProgramsBrowse through the list of Canadian Ethics bachelor, masters, and doctorate courses, programs and degrees offered by universities in Canada.
What is Ethics?Ethics is that branch of philosophy dealing with the rightness or wrongness of human actions and conduct. In practical terms, the study of ethics attempts to set standards for people’s behaviour in business, medicine and various other fields.
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Study and Work in Ethics in Canada
Ethics Admission Requirements The prequisites required to become accepted in an undergraduate program in Ethics.
What Ethics Students Learn Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Ethics.
Career and Employment Opportunities in Ethics Professions or occupations available to graduates in Ethics and links to employment resources.
About Ethics Ethics is of course most closely related to philosophy, but it is intricately linked to fields such as the law, criminology, medicine, human biology, political studies, global studies, peace and conflict studies, and religious studies.