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Career Opportunities in Automotive Engineering in Canada

Career and employment opportunities for Canadian university students graduating in Automotive Engineering.

| University Programs in Canada | Automotive Engineering |

Employment Resources and Professions Available to Automotive Engineering Graduates

Various automotive companies typically employ automotive engineers, where they are involved in the research or production of automobiles. These people can also work for other supporting companies in the same industry, such as parts manufacturers.

Automotive engineers can also work as part of professional racing teams (eg. Formula 1). They can also sometimes move into the aerospace industry where their expertise in ground-based vehicles is an asset for air-based vehicles. Because of their mechanical engineering background, automotive engineers are also employable in other areas such as machining and heavy equipment.

Automotive engineers can also work in university, teaching mechanical or electrical engineering with a specialization in automobiles, while at the same time doing academic research. Research is usually in collaboration with the automobile industry.

Study and Work in Automotive Engineering in Canada

Study Automotive Engineering in Canada
What is Automotive Engineering? Discover similiar and related programs and universities in Canada offering Automotive Engineering degrees.

Automotive Engineering Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to a undergraduate program in Automotive Engineering.

Graduate Automotive Engineering Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to a graduate and/or postgraduate PhD program in Automotive Engineering.

What Automotive Engineering Students Learn
Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Automotive Engineering.

Research in Automotive Engineering
Research areas, topics, interests and projects in Automotive Engineering.

Automotive Engineering Programs in Canada

Canada Canada

Ontario Ontario

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