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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Villa Julie College

Paralegal Programs in Maryland - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Villa Julie College in Stevenson, Maryland.

School: Villa Julie College

Location: Stevenson, Maryland

Program Name: Paralegal Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Bachelor of Science, Associate in Applied Science, Upper Division in Nurse Paralegal


The Villa Julie College was founded in 1947 and is located in the state of Maryland. The college originated as a medical secretarial college for women. Today, it is a co-educational facility that caters to over 2000 students. The college is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

The Villa Julie College offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Undergraduate courses are offered in subjects such as biotechnology, computer information systems, medical technology and psychology. Graduate programs are offered in forensic science, forensic studies, business and technology management and advanced information technologies.

The college also offers a paralegal program designed for students looking to become professional paralegals. Students can opt for a Bachelor of Science degree in paralegal studies, which aims at developing communication skills, management skills and analytical techniques, as well as an understanding of the workings of the legal system. Students can also opt for a nurse paralegal course, which is designed for students working on their nursing major or for those who already have a bachelor's degree in another field.

Villa Julie College offers a unique feature known as Career Architecture, which is designed to help students better understand their strengths and skills so that they can make informed decisions about their future. The college also has a law clinic, which consists of a family law clinic and a tax law clinic. This provides students with practical experience in dealing with clients and handling aspects such as tax returns and filing legal documents.

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