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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Syracuse University

Paralegal Programs in New York - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.

School: Syracuse University

Location: Syracuse, New York

Program Name: Legal Studies Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Bachelor of Professional Studies (NYS Education Dept. Approved), Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Post-Secondary Certificate


Syracuse University was officially born as a University in 1946 in the state of New York, but its history dates back to 1902, when the institution first began offering summer courses. Since then, Syracuse University has diversified considerably and currently caters to over 8000 students. There are 100 staff members present in the university's faculty. The University is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Syracuse University offers a number of courses for students and professionals alike, who are looking to earn a part-time degree, earn extra credits through a particular program or develop certain skills through non-credited seminars and classes. These courses range from bachelor of professional studies degree courses and certificates for a variety of subjects including paralegal studies and legal assistant training. Courses are provided in a flexible format to allow students to attend sessions at their convenience, be it through online classes, weekend sessions, evening classes or residency programs.

For students interested in embarking on a career as a paralegal or legal assistant, the Legal Studies program at Syracuse University offers a number of courses and programs and has also been accredited by the New York State Education Department, the American Association for Paralegal Education and the American Bar Association. Students can opt for a Bachelor of Professional Studies degree in Legal Studies, a credit certificate, a post baccalaureate certificate or even a Legal Studies Minor program.

Paralegals and legal assistants will learn the ethical implications of working on legal matters as well as how the legal system works and how to analyze law-related problems. They will also learn how the practice of law relates to both the private and public sector.

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