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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Miami-Dade College

Paralegal Programs in Florida - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Miami-Dade College in Miami, Florida.

School: Miami-Dade College

Location: Miami, Florida

Program Name: Legal Assistant Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate Degree


Miami-Dade College was established in 1960 and is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It offers more than 150 associate's degree in a variety of subjects that are designed to help students who seek a job after graduation or to help students transfer to a 4-year institution of their choice.

Miami-Dade College has more than 160,000 students and it has more than 50 transfer agreements with colleges and universities across the state and country such as University of Wisconsin - Madison, Georgia Tech, Smith College and the University of Texas. There are 2,103 faculty members.

Legal Assisting Associate in Science Program that is offered at Miami-Dade College is approved by the American Bar Association. The curriculum includes Principles of Accounting 1, Principles of Account Lab 1, Business Law 1, Business Law 2, Fundamentals of Law, Legal Research, Legal Writing, Trial Preparation, Trial Practice & Appls, Torts, Criminal Law/Litigation, Wills, Trust, Estate, Law Office Management, Family Law, Co-Op Work Exp 1, Legal Assistant Internship, Real Estate Prin & Prac 1, 3 Legal Seminars, English Comp 1, English Comp 2, Fundamentals of Speech Communication, Critical Thinking/Ethics, Psychology of Personal Effect, Energy/Nat Environ etc.75.

The program helps prepare students to aid attorneys in research, preparation of legal documents etc. and is popular as the job outlook is good. Financial aid is available for deserving students.

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