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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Meredith College

Paralegal Programs in North Carolina - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina.

School: Meredith College

Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

Program Name: Paralegal Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate


Meredith College was established in 1899 and is one of the largest private women's colleges. It has 130 full-time and 120 part-time teaching faculty members. Nearly 89% of the faculty members have doctorate or other terminal degrees. The student / faculty ratio is 11:1.

Meredith College offers more than 60 majors and concentrations. Its extensive library has more than 186,100 volumes, 15,626 microforms and 669 newspaper and journal subscriptions. Meredith’s Paralegal Program was created in 1979 and the institution is a member of the American Association for Paralegal Education since 1981. Classes are offered three evenings a week.

It offers a post-baccalaureate certificate in Paralegal studies. It offers three concentrations in Civil Litigation, Business Organizations and Real Estate. The faculty are practicing in their respective fields and have years of first hand experience. Only students who have a bachelor's degree are eligible for the program.

The curriculum consists of 4 courses of which three are compulsory for all students; Legal Survey, Law Office Management and Professional Responsibility and Legal Research. The other can be selected by the students and can be Civil Litigation, Business Organizations, or Real Estate. The students may opt for an 8-week internship of about 10 hr a week.

Programs such as Legal Survey, Law Office Management and Professional Responsibility and Legal Research are offered to students who wish to take up programs on a trial basis to determine if they have an aptitude for the profession.

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