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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Elgin Community College

Paralegal Programs in Illinois - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Elgin Community College in Elgin, Illinois.

School: Elgin Community College

Location: Elgin, Illinois

Program Name: Paralegal Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate of Applied Science, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate


Elgin Community College was founded in 1949 as a part of Public School District U-46. It offers more than 1,500 courses as well as 157 degrees and certificates. A member of the American Association of Junior Colleges, it is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Paralegals are much in demand and Paralegal studies appear to be one of the nation's fastest growing sectors. Paralegals are invaluable to attorneys as they provide them with assistance. This ensures that they concentrate on the case better as the work load is reduced due to efficient paralegals. Paralegals have to work under the supervision of attorneys and do tasks such as obtaining affidavits, drafting legal documents, research, analyze and write corresponding reports.

Elgin Community College offers American Bar Association approved and accredited Paralegal Studies programs that are taught by distinguished judges, attorneys and qualified paralegals. Students have access to an extensive law library and can conduct online research here.

It offers programs that may lead to an Associate of Applied Science degree, a Basic Vocational Specialist Certificate as well as a Nurse-Legal Consultant certificate. Students of the Nurse-Legal Consultant certificate have to be degree or diploma holders in nursing.

Successful graduates of the Paralegal studies may find employment in various sectors as per their specialization. They may work in private law firms, government agencies and in the legal departments of corporate houses. They may be welcome in insurance firms, real estate and title companies as well as in risk management firms, hospitals etc. The College offers financial aid ensuring that students get to take up a degree of their choice without restriction.

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