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Brock recognizes outstanding researchers with Chancellor's Chair award

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September 8, 2005

Source: Brock University:

Brock recognizes outstanding researchers with Chancellor's Chair award

Three exceptional professors are recipients of the 2005 Brock University Chancellor's Chairs for Research Excellence. This distinguished award, first introduced in 2001, recognizes individuals who demonstrate excellence in their scholarly research and creative abilities, and are dedicated to making exceptional contributions to the advancement of their field.

The 2005 Chancellor's Chairs are Professor Maurice Feldman, Department of Child and Youth Studies; Professor Pierre Lizée, Department of Political Science; and Professor Bulent Menguc, Department of Marketing, International Business, and Strategy.

"The Chancellor's Chairs for Research Excellence program recognizes the excellence of our faculty members, and is designed to encourage and sustain high levels of scholarly performance," said Dr. Michael Owen, Associate Vice-President, Research, at Brock. "The three Chancellor's Chairs represent an investment in Brock's future as a comprehensive, more research-intensive university. These scholars and scientists serve as examples of the outstanding researchers who have been attracted to Brock in the last 10 years. They also represent Brock's commitment to excellence in research and teaching."

Professor Maurice Feldman is a scientist-practitioner with expertise in child maltreatment, parenting, behavioural disorders, autism and developmental disabilities. He is a leading expert in parenting by persons with intellectual disabilities, and is currently co-Principal Investigator of the 3Rs - Rights, Respect and Responsibility - Training Project for persons with intellectual disabilities.

Professor Pierre Lizée's research revolves around current changes in the nature of international politics, with a particular focus on issues of international security and global governance. Widely renowned for his expertise on international conflict and security, Lizée has spent considerable time in Southeast Asia researching the new forms of multilateralism emerging in the region. His current work attempts to bridge Western and Third World theories of international politics.

Professor Bulent Menguc, who joined Brock in January 2004, is working towards an understanding of the relationship between sales force management and marketing strategy. Prior to coming to Brock, Menguc was a faculty member at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and Lincoln University in New Zealand, where he was named one of the top five researchers in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Brock Chancellor's Chairs for Research Excellence provide successful nominees with the opportunity to undertake a specific, three-year program of research leading to a significant development in their scholarship. This is the highest research honour a faculty member can receive at Brock.

The recipients will receive $15,000 a year for three years. As part of the program, they will also present a lecture on their research to the Brock community.

For more information, contact Michael Owen, Associate Vice-President, Research, at 905-688-5550, ext. 3127; e-mail:



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