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International Science Fiction Conference at Brock

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October 7, 2005

Source: Brock University:

International Science Fiction Conference at Brock

An international conference, "The Uses of the Science Fiction Genre: An Interdisciplinary Symposium," will be held at Brock University. The conference begins the evening of Thursday, Oct. 20, and runs all day Friday, Oct. 21 and Saturday, Oct. 22.

The highlighted keynote speaker is Canada's own Hugo and Nebula award winning author, Robert J. Sawyer, whose keynote address, "Science Fiction: A Multidisciplinary Laboratory For Thought Experiments," will explore science fiction's societal role, special capabilities, and fundamentally interdisciplinary nature. Sawyer's address will take place on the Friday evening of the conference.

"The conference organizing committee is pleased to host the internationally renowned Canadian science fiction author, Robert J. Sawyer, as the keynote speaker for this event," says Professor Michael Berman. "Sawyer's books appeal to a wide and diverse audience, for they explore lasting ethical, religious and technological issues which affect and shape our everyday lives."

Speakers from the United States, Canada and Mexico will be presenting on various topics, such as: social ethics and politics; science fiction and philosophy; and the pedagogical uses of science fiction.

Along with the presentations there will be a movie screening on Friday evening of Things to Come and La Jettee, and an optional banquet to conclude the event on Saturday. Pre-registration is required. The cost to register for the conference is $50 for the public, $20 for students and senior citizens, and $50 for the banquet.

For more information about the conference program and to register, please visit: philosophy/scifi_program.htm, or contact Professor Michael Berman, at ext. 3317, e-mail:



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