Source: University of New Brunswick - Fredericton EXPERTS EXPLORE PROFESSIONALISM, POLITICS AND RESEARCH IN TEACHER EDUCATIONOctober 25, 2006 Cutting-edge education experts from coast to coast will offer keynote addresses at the Atlantic Educators’ Conference in Fredericton, Nov. 17 and 18. The public is welcome to attend the keynote addresses at no charge. The conference is sponsored jointly by the education faculties at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) and St. Thomas University (STU). The conference theme is Professionalism, Politics and Research in Teacher Education. Dr. Jane Gaskell of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education will address the theme at the opening address of the conference in room 101, Brian Mulroney Hall, STU at 1 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 17. Dr. Gaskell’s research focuses on issues of gender, multiculturalism, equity, curriculum, and policy in education. Dr. Charles Ungerleider, one of Canada’s best known and most highly respected researchers in the field of learning and education, will speak at the conference banquet. It will be held in the STU Conference Centre, 368 Forest Hill Road on Friday at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the dinner are $20 and available from Debbie Coughlin, St. Thomas University (452-0644). Dr. Ungerleider’s presentation on politics and teacher professionalism in Canada will examine the multi-dimensional nature of teacher professionalism and how politics affects issues like teacher certification, conduct, competence, and accountability. Dr. Ungerleider is on leave from the University of British Columbia to serve as director of research and knowledge mobilization for the Canadian Council on Learning, an independent, not-for-profit organization established to improve the quality and availability of information about learning for all Canadians. Dr. Alice Collins, a skilled negotiator and arbitrator as well as dean of the faculty of education at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, will close the conference Saturday at 11:30 a.m. in room 143 of d’Avray Hall UNB with an address focused on the Canadian Deans’ Accord on Teacher Education. Throughout the two-day conference nearly 50 researchers, scholars and classroom teachers from across the country will offer workshops and presentations on everything from art, drama, poetry, learning styles, science in action, and stability balls in the classroom. Detailed information on the conference is available at http://education.unbf/conf/aec or from Janice Moore at 460-0345. - 30 -