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Source: Dalhousie University

Killam Lecture: IBM Design Leader Karel Vredenburg Discusses Trends in Human-Centred Technology

October 24, 2006

Why does technology often disappoint? How is it that some companies can design awesome products and others can't? What advances in Internet technology may drastically change the way that companies, governments, universities, societies and you work in the future? This talk will answer these questions and more by providing an overview of progress in creating technology that improves people's lives. It will examine the evolution of applied research methods used by companies to design technology for humans and will discuss the challenges that still remain. Some recent trends in Internet technology will be illustrated and their potential positive and negative impact will be explored.

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 8:00 pm
Speaker: Karel Vredenburg, Program Director, IBM Corporate Design Leadership and Development Enablement
Where: Potter Family Auditorium, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building, Room 1028, 6100 University Avenue, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Karel Vredenburg has responsibility for the development of IBM's design approaches, methods and tools; the deployment of them company-wide; and the leadership of IBM's team of designers. Karel joined IBM in 1988 after having done graduate studies, research and teaching at the University of Toronto. He introduced User-Centered Design at IBM in 1993 and assumed his present role in 1995; he is based in Toronto. He has written over 60 conference and journal publications and published a book entitled User-Centered Design: An Integrated Approach, co-authored another book entitled Constructing Superior Software, served as special issue editor for the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction special issue, and published a special Ease of Use issue of the IBM Systems Journal.
Media interviews are welcome and can be arranged for Thursday, Oct 26, by contacting John MacDonald (see below).

Media inquiries, contact:
John MacDonald,
Faculty of Management
Phone: (902) 494-2542



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