Source: McGill University McGill expert alert: Clean Air Act/ EnvironmentOctober 19, 2006 The Harper government will soon table its Clean Air Act in Parliament. We suggest the following sources for your reports on the Clean Air Act: Air pollution Parisa Ariya Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Department of Chemistry (joint appointment) An expert on air pollution and the chemical transformation of ozone precursors, photo-oxidants, heavy metal and bioorganic toxicants, and their implications in climate change. 514-398-6931 Climate change and biodiversity Michel Loreau Professor, Department of Biology, and an expert on greenhouse gases, global climate change and biodiversity. 514-398-3778 C02 levels and climate change Donald Smith Professor, Department of Plant Science, and an expert on the physiological responses of crops and plants to increasing atmospheric CO2 levels and to climate change. 514-398-7866 Environmental economics Christopher Green Professor, Department of Economics, can speak on the economics of climate change, impact of public/fiscal policy on the environment/industry. 514-398-4830 Energy alternatives Corey Leclerc Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, is an expert on alternative fuel sources with a focus on hydrogen fuel cells. 514-398-8308 Greenhouse gases and smog Jacques Derome Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, can speak to the difference between fighting smog in large cities and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. 514-398-5350 Long-term climate change/Paleoclimates Lawrence Mysak Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, and an expert on long-term climate variability and change, ocean, ice, climate dynamics and paleoclimates. 514-398-3768 Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions Nigel Roulet Director, McGill School of Environment, Professor, Department of Geography, and an expert on the exchanges of greenhouse gases between ecosystems and the atmosphere. Feedbacks involving those gases (C02, methane, etc.) and climate change. 514-398-2827 Contacts Cynthia Lee Communications Officer McGill University Relations Office 514-398-6754