Source: Mount Allison University "Making A Difference," Oct. 13- CANCELLEDOctober 11, 2006 SACKVILLE, NB — On Friday, October 13 at 4 p.m. Alex Fancy, director of drama at Mount Allison and 3M Teaching Fellow, and students Ian Mullan and Natalie Gerum will present a reading from "Making a Difference" in the University Club. The 35-minute reading of student voices from the book recently published by the National Council of 3M Teaching Professors, of which Fancy is chair, will be followed by a discussion and a cash bar. Written as a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the 3M Teaching Fellowship, "Making a Difference / Toute la difference" is a collection of reflections by award-winning teachers complemented by student testimonials written about teachers who are not named. The Teaching Professor (US) described the book in this way: "The collection is a marvelous affirmation of how teaching inspires, enriches and satisfies, both teachers and students. If you need a shot in your teaching arm, this book will supply it." Planned as a celebration, the book is a rich tapestry of reflections on the rewards and challenges of university teaching; on how teachers strive, each in their own way, to enhance learning; and what they learn from their students. The student testimonials, many of which were written long after graduation, show us that teachers make a difference in unexpected ways: perhaps they hand students courage in the same way one hands a hockey stick to a child, or perhaps they give students the wherewithal to articulate resistances. Fancy has organized previous readings at the Charlottetown conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education; a seminar on reflective teaching at the Banff Centre sponsored by the Institute for the Advancement of Teaching in Higher Education; a conference in Vancouver of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; the 25th National Lilly Conference on College Teaching at the Miami University of Ohio; and at the 2006 conference of the Higher Education Academy in England. The October 13th reading is sponsored by the Purdy Crawford Teaching Centre. —30—