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Dangerous period in history predicted by journalist and historian Gwynne Dyer

November 22, 2006

Source: Wilfrid Laurier University

Wilfrid Laurier University welcomes back acclaimed political commentator and international affairs correspondent Gwynne Dyer, who will offer his perspective on world issues on Tuesday, November 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, John Aird Centre.

In his lecture Back to the Great Game, Dyer will discuss his views on world events that have taken place since 9-11, and will explore issues such as current shifts in global influence.

"The most dangerous times in history are the periods when the pecking order of the great powers changes, and we are approaching such a period now," says Dyer. "The United States, after less than a century at the top of the heap, faces the emergence of new great powers in Asia."

The lecture will mark Dyer's third visit to Wilfrid Laurier University in the past seven years. In his last lecture at Laurier in February 2003, he spoke about the "war against terrorism," predicting a lengthy war in Iraq which he called "dumb and dangerous."

"Gwynne is always an interesting lecturer who delivers thought-provoking commentary on international affairs. We're very pleased to have him come back to Laurier to present his views on current issues, the world's response and what's going to happen next," said David Docherty, Laurier’s dean of arts.

Dyer has worked as a freelance journalist, columnist, broadcaster and lecturer on international affairs for more than 20 years, but was originally trained as a historian. Born in Newfoundland, he received degrees from Canadian, American and British universities, finishing with a PhD in military and Middle Eastern history from the University of London. He currently publishes a twice-weekly column on international affairs, which appears in 175 papers in some 45 countries.

The Laurier lecture series asks noted speakers to share their diverse and wide-ranging interests with the Laurier community. The lecture is open to the public and admission is free, though seating is limited and provided to the first who arrive.


Dr. David Docherty
Dean, Faculty of Arts
(519) 884-0710 ext. 3690

Deborah Currie
Manager, Academic Events
(519) 884-0710 ext. 3800



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