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Brock Business Administration student wins prestigious scholarship

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December 7, 2005

Source: Brock University:

Brock Business Administration student wins prestigious scholarship

A fourth-year Bachelor of Business Administration student at Brock University was one of 10 students to recently receive a prestigious scholarship from Canada's Outstanding CEO of the Year (TM) award program.

Brock student Jocelyn Chedore was recognized as one of the recipients of a $5,000 Future Funds Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership at a Toronto gala. She is currently participating in an exchange at Burgundy School of Business - ESC Dijon in Burgundy, France, and she will return to the Brock campus in January to complete her studies.

Full-time graduate and undergraduate students in business degree programs are eligible for the scholarship, which is based on the students' achievements and demonstrated leadership initiatives in their academic and extracurricular activities. Recipients are selected by the deans at their universities.

Martin Kusy, Dean, Faculty of Business at Brock, says Chedore was a natural candidate for the award.

"Jocelyn has made a very positive impact on the University, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities," says Kusy. "She has done everything from selling toques to raise money for the homeless to developing a partnership with students at Shanghai University in China for an export initiative. Jocelyn is an excellent ambassador for Brock University."

Chedore, whose hometown is Leamington, Ont., has received numerous awards and recognition, including a President's Surgite Award and membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, the international business honours society.

After graduation, Chedore plans to pursue a career in marketing communications or continue her education towards a post-graduate degree in public relations.

For more information, please contact Susan LeBlanc, Advancement Officer, Faculty of Business, Office of Development and Donor Relations, at 905-688-5550, ext. 4688; e-mail:



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