The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto offers a PhD program aimed at preparing students for careers as 'rigorous and practical' academic researchers and/or university-level educators in a field of specialization which will be chosen among Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, and Strategic Management with a minor available in International Business and a collaborative option in Economics and Management. To successfully complete the Program each student must fulfill all 'the Qualifying Requirements; the Major and Minor Field Requirements; and the Comprehensive Examination' plus research, present, and defend a dissertation/thesis on the student's area of concentration. The latter will usually be undertaken under the supervision of a 'a supervisory committee consisting of a supervisor and at least two other members of the Graduate Faculty' and should 'constitute a significant contribution to knowledge in the' student's chosen field of concentration.
Program URL: PhD Programs Joseph L. Rotman School of Management Business School at University of Toronto |