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International Master of Accountancy - Brock University

Faculty of Business

Brock University's International Master of Accountancy (IMAcc) is a professional program designed for international students, particularly those who have attained their education outside of North America and/or in a language other than English, emphasizing the broad, functional 'aspects of North American accounting with an emphasis on managerial accounting and information systems.' More generally, the program aims to provide students with the skills needed by the accounting profession in North America including students' analytical and communication skills, reading, writing, and speaking in English skills, understanding of ethical concerns, and the ability to 'adapt and respond to a complex changing business environment.' The IMAcc is a "lock-step" program that involves 'an intensive English language study program, a transition term, and two academic terms,' with each term increasing the students' skills, preparing 'them for subsequent terms.' Following successful completion of the IMAcc, graduates are offered an internship option which allows them to work in Canada for up to 4 months.

Program URL: International Master of Accountancy

  • Faculty of Business
  • Business School at Brock University

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