Legal Aid Manitoba
300 - 294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0B9
Telephone: 204-985-8550-&-800-766-2148
Fax: 204-956-4146
Legal Aid Manitoba hires 6 - 7 articling students each year who are introduced to the practical aspects of law and and play an important role in the delivery of service at Legal Aid Manitoba's 4 offices.
Other Law Offices: |
Brandon |
Dauphin |
The Pas |
Thompson |
Winnipeg |
Winnipeg |
Winnipeg |
Winnipeg |
Winnipeg |
Winnipeg |
Winnipeg |
Legal Jobs at Legal Aid Manitoba
Articling Student Positions
Practice Areas and Industries
Aboriginal Law
Civil Law/Matters
Collaborative Law
Criminal Law
Family Law
Formal Representation/Litigation
Poverty Law
Public Interest Law
Youth Criminal Law/Young Offenders