Specialized Civil Law Enforcement - Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningCriminal Justice Education in CanadaCrime and Fire Programs -- Community College Programs
PROGRAM WEBSITE Specialized Civil Law Enforcement - Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning's Specialized Civil Law Enforcement program is designed for individuals who want to enhance their respective 'legal education and become a greater asset to law firms, paralegal firms, the bailiff's profession and the legal departments of commercial property management companies.' The Program will focus on specialized training regarding 'alternative remedies to a creditor litigating against a debtor specifically in areas of motor vehicle repair, personal property or chattel property purchases and commercial tenancy disputes as well as remedies available to municipal government in cases of default on business taxes.' The Program consists of 3 courses, including Civil Remedies by Statutory Authority, Commercial Tenancy Law - Landlords Remedies, and Personal Property Law - Rights and Remedies. The Courses will focus on the Administration of Justice Act, Bailiffs Act, Commercial Tenancies Act, Cost of Distress Act, Municipal Act, Personal Property Security Act, Repair and Storage Liens Act, 'and other related statutes.' Currently, the :Program has no established prerequisites for admission. Furthermore, courses are not expected to be offered in Winter and Spring/Summer 2007 semesters.