As the pace of everyday living becomes more hectic, people are turning to specialized ways in which to relax and revitalize themselves. It wasn't long ago when massages and spas were frequented by only a small section of society that had the means to treat themselves from time to time. Today though, almost anyone can enjoy massage and spa therapy and revitalize themselves. The demand for trained massage and spa therapy professionals has increased over the years, mainly due to the fact that many spas are being established today and a number of health clubs and hotels like to include massages and spa therapy for their guests. Programs and courses designed to teach massage and spa therapy will equip students with the skills needed to provide the best in massage and spa therapy. It is also a good idea for students to attend refresher courses from time to time to upgrade their skills. Massage and spa therapy programs will teach students about the basic anatomy and physiology of the human body in order to better understand different body types and how to identify imperfections. Students will learn about the different forms of massage therapy and about the various conditions that can be healed or rectified through massaging. Students will learn how to treat cellulite and will learn how to administer body wraps, heat therapy, body polishes, mud wraps and salt exfoliations. Students will also learn about Pettissage, trigger movements, tapping, Effleurage and sensory. Muscle stimulation, aromatherapy, sanitation and sterilization procedures are also covered. Courses will also cover hydrotherapy, Swedish massage techniques, stone therapy, remedial exercises and theory of massage techniques. A career in massage and spa therapy can offer a great deal of financial security and offers potential for further growth in the future.
Canadian Provinces with Career Colleges offering diplomas, programs or courses in Massage and Spa Therapy
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island