Viewbooks of Canadian Universities
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Viewbooks of Universities in Canada
If you can’t get your hands on a view-book, the Internet has now become the best place to look. In some cases, universities will offer a virtual copy of their view-book right on their website. The best part is that you can flip through it at your own leisure right on the Internet. What is a view-book, you ask? It’s an annual edition aimed at prospective students to educate and inform them about all that their school has to offer. View-books often feature the universities mission statements, messages from the President, Chancellor or Dean, information about exchange opportunities, athletics and the highlights of programs and modules offered. Also, viewbooks can include insight from students in the various programs, scholarship and residence information, student budgets and tuition fees. These viewbooks are also a guide to important dates such as when campus tours are available, and when fees are due for tuition and residence. Also called an Undergraduate Admissions Guide, universities such as Concordia offer their view-books in a PDF file. Click here to view it:. Complete with graphics, photography and the schools theme colours, view-books are often well-design marketing tools for Canadian universities to draw prospective students to their school. Concordia`s view-book, for example, offers their ranking amongst other Canadian universities as seen in the Globe and Mails University Report Card, released annually. Other virtual tours, such as that of Cape Breton University, located here: allows you to flip through their view-book online without downloading anything! Flip the pages like a real book and experience what life is like at their school. Notice the focus on athletics and you may feel that this school is a good fit for you. The view-book also offers testimonies from students in various programs to help prospective students not only select a school, but select a program of study. More and more Canadian universities are offering view-books to help educate, inform and draw students to studying at their respective schools. If you can’t get your hands on a copy, don’t worry – the Internet is becoming the best resource for all things related to Canadian universities!