Reserved-space parking is more expensive than non-reserved parking.Annual Rates
Here is a listing of schools in Canada with relatively cheap (<$200) annual parking rates, listed from cheapest to most expensive. Parking is cheap compared to other schools because of location…most of these schools are located in rural or suburban areas where space is not at a premium. Where a range exists there is a variety of parking options (eg. plug-in available, underground, etc.).
Where the campus is located closer to a major city the parking rates increase. This is due to city centers being more valuable real estate vs. the suburbs, or else the parking is regulated by a private entity such as Impark. Here is a listing of schools with medium ($200-500) annual rates, listed from cheapest to most expensive.
Finally, very expensive parking can be found at the schools that are located in a major city center, due to the fact that space is at a premium in places such as Toronto or Ottawa. Here is a listing of schools with very expensive (>$500) annual parking rates.
Daily Rates
Daily and hourly parking is also available for visitors to campus. Hourly parking is generally available at meters and daily parking is usually available in lots. Here is a listing of schools with cheap (<$3) daily parking. These lots are generally at the fringes of campus, or are for schools that are not in major city centers.
Schools with more expensive ($4-5) daily parking rates are here. This parking may be a bit more accessible (closer to campus center), or is for a campus located in a major city.
The schools with the most expensive (>$5) daily parking are below. This parking is close to the campus center and is also located in a major city center where public parking space is at a premium to begin with.
Free Parking
Several schools offer free parking, either at certain times or locations. Usually it is during off-peak hours (evenings, weekends, and holidays), or in locations that are not as desirable as paid parking locations (eg. not patrolled, unpaved lots, street parking, etc.). Some schools have free parking with no restrictions.
Parking Tickets and Towing
All paid campus parking is patrolled either by private security (eg. at Impark lots) or campus security, who are licensed by the City as official by-law officers. Vehicles that are parked illegally can be ticketed, towed, or both. Generally, violation fines are around $50 and include parking in no-park zones, failure to display a valid pass/ticket, or parking in the wrong lot. Parking in a handicapped zone without a proper permit is more expensive, about $300 for the first violation.