Gay and Lesbian Resources @ Saskatchewan - Canadian Universities
With sexual experimentation being an important part of college and university life, many students are discovering they are in fact not straight, and are looking for resources to help them in their “coming out”. And for students who are already queer-identified, colleges and universities are a perfect place to learn more about their sexual orientation and what it means for them outside the bedroom. With this in mind, many schools now offer lebian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) resources as a matter of course. This can range from an informal group of like-minded individuals, to a recognized student society, to a office or building devoted to this group of students. [more] - Gay and Lesbian Resources in Canadian Universities
Gay and Lesbian Resources in Saskatchewan Universities in Canada
Gay and Lesbian Resources @ University of Saskatchewan Profile of University of Saskatchewan - Main Campus Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Universities